The definition of community is this: a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. So, when I say that I belong to a Fiber Community, or a Yarn Community, you will know that I mean I share common interests, attitudes and goals with the other people in my group.
I belong to a community of fiber people. There are a bunch of us that love to get together to share our successes or failures, our patterns, yarns, and fiber because we know that the others in our group will appreciate what we are sharing. Perhaps we are sharing our crocheting experiences, good or bad. Or maybe we have gotten together to knit and someone who is new to knitting has joined us and we all offer advice and help. Or there might be someone who has learned a craft years ago and just needs like-minded people around to bounce ideas or techniques off of.
My community gathers at my local yarn store (c r yarn) (shameless plug). We are knitters, crocheters, weavers, spinners, felters, beginners, very experienced, re-learning or un-learning! We gather to talk, share, laugh, cry and do our craft in a safe environment where everyone around you knows what you are feeling, talking about, struggling with or rejoicing about.
Most of us have known each other for about the length of time that the shop has been open. Some of us have known each other for longer or shorter periods of time. Doesn't matter, once we gather together, we are a Community.
Do you have a community like this? Do you have friends, relatives, acquaintances who you can share your craft with? Please find one today. You will be much happier having friends around you that you can relate to. Socializing with fiber in hand (or fabric as in quilting) has been around for eons and will continue to be even with social media trying to take over as our community. I am all for social media, but more interested in the woman sitting next to me helping me puzzle out the mistakes in my knitting, or helping me re-learn crocheting because she is
real and
Where do you look for a yarn/fiber community if there is no local yarn shop? Coffee shops, bookstores, senior centers, community centers, classes at the community education center, craigslist,, libraries, the places are endless. Maybe you will have to start one yourself. Try it! See what happens. Like-minded people find each other.
Find your community soon, you'll be glad you did.
And, if you live in or near Rapid City we have Knit Night at the shop Thursday night from 7pm to 9pm. Come on in and "C" us!