Thursday, April 16, 2009

Grand Opening!

We're planning our grand opening on May 2! We will be doing a Charity Knit-in! The goal is to get many people to show up and knit for Charity. I'll be following up with more definitive details soon! (hopefully the NICU here is willing to take donations).

After that classes will start on May 5th. this first set of classes is a "beginning level" project, that will be suitable for absolute beginners if they're interested. We'll be knitting either a sampler scarf (or a throw). Either way, we'll be practicing knitting and purling and cast on, as well as learning a number of interesting stitches. everything from Garter stitch to Cables as we move along! 10 sessions total!

Then on May 9th (a Saturday) we'll be doing a class on on-line knitting resources. it will concentrate on web sites that offer free and or down-loadable patterns, as well as how to use Ravelry (provided we get permission) and Flickr. i think it will be great fun!

We're making plans for our first Teen Knit Night. we'll have a movie, small snacks and a small project or two to go with the movie. If you know a teen knitter, let them know... and make plans to attend!

In June we'll be starting Sock Classes. Sock class will be 4 class sessions. (the last will be primarily a follow-up/wrap up class.

We're getting little bits of new stuff in the shop. new Castle Fibers sock is arriving momentary, new SuperLamb in wonderful spring/baby colors, and some new Sport Weight Heathered. Oh and of course... MORE NEEDLES!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I am 99% sure I can attend and I'll see who is willing to be kidnapped.
