Friday, May 21, 2010

Classes for the month of June

June 5:

10:30-12:00 Stash Buster Scarf (1/2)
12:30-2:00 Beginning Spinning
2:30-4:30 Knitting Cohort (1/3)

June 12:

10:30-12:00 Stash Buster Scarf (2/2)
2:30-4:30 Knitting Cohort (2/3)

June 19:

10:30-12:00 Beginning Socks (1/3)
12:30-2:00 Plying Handspun
2:30-4:30 Knitting Cohort

Beginning Socks will also be on July 10 & 24 at 10:30-12:00p.

The Stash Buster Scarf is a beginning knitting project--must be able to cast on, bind off and knit. ($10.00/each--bring your own yarn from your stash)

Spinning class is a beginning class--no prerequisites ($5.00 plus purchase a spindle kit)

Plying Handspun (prerequisite--Spinning class) ($10.00 no purchase required)

Beginning Socks is an intermediate knitting project--must be able to knit & purl & cast-on and bind-off. ($25.00 for all 3 classes plus purchase sock yarn)

Knitting Cohort is a class to simply work on a project you pick. ($15.00 for the month--this holds your spot!)

Email me or stop in to sign up!

1 comment:

  1. We are traveling through Rapid City and I looked on line to see if there was a yarn shop...and here you are! I see a class for a Stash Buster Scarf is being held after we leave. Could you email or post the pattern?
    I have created a new stash as we have traveled over the past 2 months!
