Friday, March 27, 2009

needles and tofutsies!

lots of stuff arrived yesterday! YAY!!!! Needles from Hiya Hiya. these are fun and super smooth.

these cute little guys might just convert me to knitting with ciruculars. ok. likely not, but aren't they just CUTE?
all priced and hung on the wall. ran out of hook, had to find more. had to use different size... to much stock is awesome...

and then it hit me. i failed to buy any single point needles. Good Grief! what was i thinking.
then the tofutsies and other SWTC yarn arrived. ooooo yummy! i gotta take more pictures of it all on display! it is FUN!!!!


  1. Love that yarn! Wish I lived nearby so I can come and see it all.

  2. I'm sending my husband to visit you today, since I'll be at work while you're open (I think?).

  3. I wish I lived closer...I'd be there in a flash!

  4. Looks like it's coming along nicely! be sure to keep a corner open for 'harp day' ;)
    I love Brown Sheep Yarn!
