Welcome to Fall everyone! There is snow on the ground outside the shop and it is chilly. PERFECT weather for knitting, crocheting and spinning! And do we have the equipment and goods for you to fulfill the craving for a "stay-at-home-in-front-of-the-fire" project.

The shop enjoyed great visitors and customers from other cities, states and countries this Summer. We were open during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and we met some awesome knitting bikers! One lady said it was "karma" that her husband parked the bike right in front of our shop! The new Main Street Square was open for busyness this Summer and Fall which brought people into the shop to "c r yarn". We are very grateful to all the new customers we had this year and especially grateful to those that are return customers. You guys are awesome!

Rita has done some expanding in the shop. She has me, Sue, working several days a week and blogging, and Amanda working afternoons. We now carry a complete line of Ashland Bay and Louet spinning fiber, which is also useful for felting. We have lots of yarn with sparkles, angora, mohair, wool, acrylic and cotton blends. We carry Brown Sheep, Cascade, Ice, Jaggerspun and Rita's hand-dyed Castle Fiber Yarns.

Rita has Louet spinning wheels for sale and for order. She can also order table and floor looms from Louet. Sue is weaving on her personal loom in the shop until Christmas making scarves for sale. Amanda is knitting hats as fast as Sue weaves and they are for sale also.

We also carry magazines! Knitting Traditions, KnitWear, Spin Off, Interweave Knits, Jane Austin Knits, Interweave Knits Holiday Gifts and are expecting some Crochet magazines shortly.

We have soooo many books and DVDs that you will be amazed. We also carry drop spindles by two different handcrafters, knitting needles by HiyaHiya and knitting notions.
If you haven't been into the shop for a while, now is the time to come and look around. Our store hours are Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday Night 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. We have Knit Night on Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. and we have a Spin-Weave-In on the first Saturday of the month. The next one will be December 1 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
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