Friday, April 19, 2013

Hand Crafted in the Hills soon, soon, 7 days away!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are getting closer and closer to the BIG EVENT. We are excited as we gather the goodies for the "gift bag" that you will receive when you come to the Fiber Festival and as we see the sign ups for classes increasing!

Festival Schedule 
Friday: 6pm check in to the hotel, and registration table; 7pm One Woman's Trash is Another Woman's Stash "white elephant trade" in the ballroom, followed by the Fashion-UnTalent Show at 8pm. No Market Place on Friday
[For Trash and Stash bring, in a brown paper bag, any stash that you want to "give away". We will draw numbers, then choose which bag of stash that we want for ourselves. The next person gets to choose a new bag or steal the first person's bag. This mayhem will continue until all the stash bags are gone!]
Saturday: 8:30am Check in; 9am the MarketPlace opens, the Classes begin, the Fiber Circle opens, Installation art piece yarn hand out, Fiber collection begins; 5pm MarketPlace closes; Classes end
Dinner on your own!    7pm—Raveling and unRaveling! We will explore the wonderful world of in the Ballroom with a big screen so everyone can see. This will be a great learning experience for both Ravelry users and those who have never heard of Ravelry. There will be surprises during this time.
Sunday: You get to sleep in a little, have breakfast and at 10am the MarketPlace opens, Classes begin, Installation art piece needle felting fun! Fiber Collection/Drum carder demo. 4pm Classes end. LAST MINUTE SHOPPING! and 5pm the MarketPlace closes. 

Throughout the Festival there will be Door Prizes handed out and we have a massage therapist in the MarkePlace to soothe your tensed shoulders!

Here is an updated version of the classes. Be sure to sign up soon so you don't miss out on these great classes. Remember, when you pay by PayPal here>>>>>>> to put the class you want in the shipping instructions or call us 791-5648 and tell us what class you want. We want to get it right!!  (Sue)

9am Beginning Knitting (2 hr) 3 openings
11am Wacky Warping (2 hr) 1 opening
1pm Toe Up Sock Toes (1 hr) 1 opening [one class with Heels]
2pm Beginning Crochet (2 hr) 5 openings
3pm Beginning Wheel Spinning (2 hr) FULL
4pm Spindle Spinning (2 hr) 3 openings

10am 3D Needle Felting (2 hr) 5 openings
11am Hat Recipe (2 hr) 6 openings
12pm Blending Board (2 hr) 3 openings
12pm Toe Up Sock Heels (1 hr) 1opening [one class with Toes]
1pm Rigid Heddle Weaving (2 hr) FULL
3pm Rug Hooking (2 hr) 6 openings
3pm Navajo Plying (2hr) 6 openings

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